Thursday, July 27, 2017

Bonus Room Makeover

Here are some pictures of how the bonus room looks now. We replaced every stitch of furniture and had a new tv (65 inches) mounted on the wall. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

That's Better...

This is what came out of the ATM this morning. As we waited in the carpool line for camp I fixed it, to Ben's delight and the girls' horror ("You can't write on money!!")  To which I replied "IT WAS ALREADY WRITTEN ON I'M JUST FIXING IT!"

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Ben's Checkup & Other Random Updates

Ben had his 13 year old checkup yesterday. He measured 5'8 3/4 (>97th percentile) and 117.8 lbs (70th percentile). He has gained 17 pounds since his checkup last summer and grown 4 inches! The doctor was very pleased with his growth.

To celebrate he skipped camp for the day and helped me move furniture! We are redoing our bonus room and a king memory foam mattress was delivered as well as a storage bench that will sit underneath our new 65 inch wall-mounted TV that will be installed up there next week. So Ben and I wrestled the ridiculously heavy mattress up the stairs and also the (much easier to lift) storage bench. Once the room is complete I will post pictures, but it's very much a work in progress right now!

Becca finished up two weeks of  traditional camp and started a three week session of performing arts camp this week. They are putting on a production of Disney's The Lion King, with performances on August 4th and 5th. Becca will be playing the part of a hyena, which she is very happy about. Aside from the auditions, which were stressful for her, she is enjoying performing arts camp and is already saying she wants to do it again next summer.

Caroline is enjoying her traditional camp experience, now in her 4th week, but she got stung by a bee yesterday which she was not happy about at all! Hopefully no more bee stings for her any time soon.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Yes I have finally given in to the slime craze. Even Ben wanted to make some. 

Caroline Learns to Text

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Big Foot

Mr Big Foot was teasing me about my tiny feet yesterday!

Camp Proofs

Caroline was the only one of the kids who was at camp during the week they had their pictures taken. I love how Caroline looks truly happy whenever she gets her picture taken! She is always beaming! Nothing fake about these smiles. What a cutie pie!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Friday, July 7, 2017

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

4th of July Parade, BBQ & Fireworks

Happy 4th of July all! We certainly did our part to contribute to noise and air pollution!

Dead Sea Spa at Home!

The bathroom needed a serious cleaning after this!

Tres Jolie!

The girls love the souvenirs Papa and Mary brought them from Paris!

Swim Team Wrap Up

We wrapped up another season of summer swim last week!

It's official- He's taller than Dad!


One year of Lucy in our lives! (As of July 3). 

Bar Mitzvah Pictures

Got the professional photographs of the bar mitzvah and here are some of the highlights.