Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Still Growing

Ben was looking awfully tall yesterday so I made him stand up against the wall before school. He has grown almost an inch and a half since the beginning of July, which puts him at an even 5’10 (no shoes) now. At this rate he will be six feet tall by spring!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Friday, October 13, 2017

Master Chef

Master chef Ben decided to bake a cake in honor of the Eagles Thursday night game vs the Panthers which we let him stay up and watch in its entirety. The recipe he found called for almond extract in both the cake and the frosting and he may have been a little heavy handed with it (I.e spilled it in). So I cannot say the cake was a great success. But the Eagles did win and he had a 25 pack of Munchkins as a backup so all was not lost. 

A Little Snack

Becca made a giant batch of muddy buddies after school today.

A Few Instructions

Ben took one look and told me I have serious mental issues :)

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Consecration/ Simchat Torah

Last night I took the girls to the Simchat Torah service at Temple. It was also consecration, which is a service to mark the beginning of religious education for the Kindergarten religious school class. Caroline was very stressed out beforehand about everything from getting her picture taken with the clergy to having to go up on the bima, to dancing with the Torah for Simchat Torah. But she ended up having a great time.

With the rabbis and cantor:

On the bima seeing the Torahs and getting a special blessing:

Showing off her consecration certificate:

Unrolling the Torah to celebrate reaching the end of the Torah and starting to read it over at the beginning for the new year:

Dance party!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Weekend Update

Joel had to work this weekend which was no fun, but in between the usual running around I made apple cider mini donuts for the first time which the kids all loved. Usually ironically it’s Caroline who rejects my baked goods offerings. (Ironic because I spend so much effort to find gluten free recipes worth making). Fortunately she liked this one just as much as the other two did. 

Also she scored a goal at her soccer game yesterday! Here she is after the game checking out the sukkah which was put up in front of the JCC for Sukkot:

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Random Lucy Pictures

I was looking through my camera roll and I seem to have taken a lot of random Lucy pictures lately;) Well Becca took the last one.