Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Week in Pictures

The last night of Hanukkah, Great Wolf Lodge, Chinese food with friends.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Hanukkah Pictures

A few pictures from the last couple nights of Hanukkah. 

Happy Birthday Caroline!

I can’t believe the baby of the family is 6 already! I brought lunch to her at school Friday, and we went out to dinner and then had cake and presents back at home. Saturday her friend Beyla came for a sleepover. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Secret Santa

As we did last year, we sponsored a needy family for the holidays through Joel’s work. Getting all this stuff in the car this morning was a bit of a challenge!

First Night of Hanukkah

A germy first night of Hanukkah! So Caroline came down with a stomach bug last Tuesday night, and missed Wednesday and Thursday of school. Friday we left for Atlanta, and she was over her stomach bug but coming down with a bad cold right on top of it. So she had a nasty cold all weekend, which she is now starting to get over but has passed it on to Joel, and the stomach bug she kindly passed on to Becca, who upchucked in the classroom at school yesterday at noon necessitating an emergency pickup, and again last night in the middle of the night, so of course she is home with me today. THANK YOU Caroline, for sharing all your germs!


Joel had a conference in Atlanta over the weekend, so we all drove down Friday and drove back Monday, giving the kids a 4 day weekend. I have been trying to get to Atlanta for years, so we finally made it happen. It was cold and, improbably, snowy in Atlanta this past weekend. But we all had a great time (Well Joel spent most of the time at the conference, but the kids and I had a great time). We went to the Coke museum, aquarium, CNN studio tour, and the college football hall of fame (which was actually really fun as the kids got to practice their football skills). The girls and I rode a giant Ferris wheel which was super scary for mom! And we took a horse and carriage ride. (The boys went back to the Coke museum since Joel hadn't been and neither of them wanted to do the Ferris wheel). Anyway, it was super fun. There was tons of great stuff to occupy the kids with for the weekend.

The Un-Dining Room

Finally finished the dining room transformation, and I think it came out pretty well! All of the furniture came from Wayfair, and most of it needed to be assembled, which I did all by myself! Also the vinyl wall lettering was a super big pain to put up. My only problem now is that I don't know what to call this room. Is it a den? Should I start calling it the living room and call the other living room the family room? Sigh ;)

Monday, December 4, 2017

Super Stars!

Becca and Amelia rocked their JStage Jr performance of Free to be You and Me on Saturday! Way to go girls!