Sunday, April 22, 2018

New Wheels

Joel got new wheels this weekend! Mid-life crisis car! This mid life crisis doesn’t involve having another kid so it’s all good!

Becca got new wheels too! 

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

My Girl Has Talent!

This year for the talent show audition Becca and her friend (our neighbor) Molly put together a glow in the dark hula hoop act. They auditioned yesterday and got the results today. Way to go girls!!

Hemophilia Walk

While Becca was at the retreat, the rest of us participated in the annual Hemophilia Walk. (Even Clara). Caroline especially had a fabulous time complete with balloon panda and face paint. However, she became very attached to the balloon panda (I mean look at it, it even has a face!) and when its head started shrinking the next day she became hysterical. "My panda is DYING, it's DYING, look at it!" I had to order her a stuffed mom/baby panda on Amazon and told her that her balloon was not dying, it was "undergoing metamorphosis" into the new stuffed panda. She was happy with her new panda when it arrived and I hid the balloon so she cannot see its continued deterioration.

Religious School Retreat

Becca spent the weekend at a religious school retreat for 4th-6th graders at Camp Thunderbird. She proclaimed she had an awesome time, and conquered her fear of climbing towers and zip lines. She is becoming much more adventurous! Here are some pictures I managed to snag from other peoples' Facebook posts LOL. This was the first time Temple Beth El has done this retreat, hopefully they will continue the tradition in future years because Becca really had a fabulous time.

Happy Birthday Joel!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Random Updates

It's Monday and the kids are finally back at school after being off for spring break for a week and a half (two weeks for Ben, if you count his Washington DC trip with the 8th grade). I'm happy to have the house back to myself for the majority of my work day, but a bit grumpy at the 6:15 alarm I have to set again. Two more months of school left, so we're into the home stretch!

Our front yard got dug up last week and our plumber put in a new water line from the house to the edge of the driveway. The leak they said, was in the yard somewhere. The next day it was apparent that the leak was NOT in the yard, as the leak was not even a little bit better. The city came out (I think the plumber called them because I didn't) and replaced the rest of the pipe between the yard and the meter. And behold, no more water leak. So as far as I believe the leak was never in the yard to begin with, so when the plumber sends me the bill for that I may have a thing or two to say to them about it. But at the moment no one has asked for any money, and considering that it took 2 and a half months to fix the leak, I'm not inclined to pay anyone in a hurry.

We enrolled Caroline at our local Kumon center for math enrichment, and she started last week. She goes on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons for about 45 minutes, and has around 20-30 minutes of math worksheets on the other 5 days of the week. So we are just about done our first week. The first few days were a little rough, as they intentionally start kids below their level so that the work is easy at first. Of course, easy math is not what makes Caroline happy so she was very grumpy at first. It gradually gets harder of course, but there's a lot of repetition especially with basic math facts as part of their teaching method. So we'll see how it goes. They recommend sticking with the program for two years. Wish us luck with that ;)

Monday, April 2, 2018


The girls and I went on our annual-ish pilgrimage to Carowinds yesterday. The boys opted to stay home. We had a great time and despite the picture below made it out alive :)

Passover 2018