Saturday, May 30, 2009
It's a Good Thing I Looked Down
Friday, May 29, 2009
Say Cheese
All the Way From Alabama to Wyoming...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Graduation Drama
After dinner Ben and I pull into the parking lot of the preschool at precisely 6:30, and Ben says, "Did you forget I was supposed to wear my fancy clothes?"
"WHAT?" I said. "I thought you were wearing a cap and gown!" Not only was Ben not wearing his "fancy clothes", but since we just got back from vacation yesterday today was a big laundry day. I pretty much had to scrape the bottom of the barrel for Ben's clothes this morning -- he was wearing gym shorts, a t shirt, and (ironically) loafers (which he insisted on putting on this morning instead of his sneakers). All around me, parents were walking their decked-out kids into the school. Some were wearing ties. I even saw one kid wearing a blazer.
I ran Ben up to his classroom and asked his teacher if there was time for me to run home for a change of clothes for him. "Not really," she said apologetically. "But don't worry, he'll be fine." (With a look that said WHAT KIND OF MOTHER BRINGS THEIR KID TO GRADUATION WEARING GYM SHORTS???)
Fine? FINE? My kid was about to be in the FRONT ROW on stage, wearing GYM SHORTS! I kissed Ben goodbye and called Joel frantically on his cell phone. He was as thoroughly aghast as I was. He insisted he could drive home and get a change of clothes. I insisted he wouldn't have time. He won the argument and sped home, breaking the speed limit by about 30 miles per hour.
And thus it was that Joel and his mom, armed with a change of clothes, accosted Ben from the line of graduates waiting outside the auditorium, buttoned a shirt on over his t shirt, and stripped him of his gym shorts. They shoved him into his khakis in the middle of the hallway and put him back in his place in line. (The loafers he was already wearing worked nicely with the outfit). With five minutes to spare, even.
Here are a couple pictures of Ben, front and center, not wearing gym shorts (THANK GOD). Joel was manning the video camera, so I'll try to edit some video tomorrow. Congratulations, Ben!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Just One More
We left the beach this afternoon and headed home, but not after one last romp in the surf. The fact that it was windy and rainy did not keep the boys from enjoying themselves. Ben was very upset that we couldn't stay longer, and sad to have to say goodbye to cousin Charlie! Rebecca, on the other hand, was very happy to bid farewell to the beach ("bye bye wah-duh!")
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Yes Joel, He Did Go in the Water
Proof that Ben went in the water... although yes, his just-turned-3 cousin was braver:
Love and Hate
Ben wanted nothing to do with the beach tent either, but that was because he was having too much fun running around in the surf. As if having his cousin Charlie to play with wasn't enough fun, by one of those it's-a-small-world-isn't-it coincidences Ben's friend Maya and her family were vacationing at Ocean Isle this weekend also. So Ben had plenty of surf-side companionship.
After dinner tonight we took a walk to the ice cream parlor down the street, and after she realized we weren't taking her back to the beach, she was very happy. (Before she realized it she was crying "No- no wah-duh! No-no wah-duh!")
I am going to steal some pictures from Abby's camera in a little bit and post a slide show. Her camera is much better than mine!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
It Just Might Be Disastrous
Ben has never been a huge beach fan, seeming ambivalent about both sand and water, but he showed progress last summer so I am hoping he'll enjoy himself on both of our upcoming beach trips. Becca enjoyed the beach last summer (when we could just plop her on a towel and let her play in the sand). Now that she's mobile, I am afraid she'll hate the sand, being totally unused to walking on it. And, thanks to her newfound terror of the bathtub -- yes the bathtub terror saga continues -- I am afraid she'll hate both pool and ocean as well.
So... as the title of the post suggests... it just might be disastrous... But I am so excited!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
We arrived at the festival grounds, and since it was around lunch time we bought some food from one of the concessions and settled down at a picnic area right by the water to eat and watch the dragon boat races. All went well for a while -- Rebecca enjoyed watching the boats and the water from her stroller, and after Ben ate we allowed him to take off his shoes and wade in the lake with some other children.
And then the heavens opened up, and a torrential downpour began. As the title of this post suggests, I was entirely unprepared for the possibility of rain, having not brought rain gear or umbrellas. We sheltered under a canopy with some other festival-goers, most of whom had umbrellas (which fact Joel pointed out to me numerous times as in, everyone else brought an umbrella, why didn't we?) But our meager shelter was no match for the pouring rain, and by the end of the downpour we all looked like we'd taken a fully-clothed swim in the lake. We seriously would not have been any wetter if we had.
Poor Becca was bawling, but Ben was pretty stoic. After that we decided we'd had enough, and we squelched back to wait for the shuttle (along with half the rest of the people there). Back at the car I changed Rebecca into a dry diaper and a semi-dry t shirt, but I didn't have a change of clothes -- or even a towel -- for anyone else. We cranked up the heat and the seat warmers and had a soggy drive home.
It was a memorable afternoon, just not in the way I originally had envisioned.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Bubble Trouble
Anyway, where was I? Extra bubbles in the tub. She hated it. She got some bubbles on her hand, and freaked out, as though the bubbles were some flesh-eating bacteria nibbling away at her chubby fingers. She screamed until I took her out of the bath and wiped all the soap off.
Fast forward to her next bath. She was fine until the shampoo bottle was produced. As soon as I began to lather her up, she started screaming bloody murder.
Next two baths -- started screaming as soon as it became apparent that I was getting ready to turn on the faucet and put her in the tub, and didn't stop until she was out of the tub, dried, diapered, and snuggling her bunnies.
Tonight the trauma of it was so exhausting for her that after I had her in her pjs she lay limply in my arms with her head on my shoulder, murmering "Bubble... bubble..." forlornly to herself.
"Do you like bubbles?" I asked, stroking her damp hair.
ME: It's a chicken.
BEN: No, I don't mean what is it, I mean what animal is it!
ME: It's a chicken. (In response to his blank stare I elaborate with some chicken noises).
BEN: OOOOHHHHHHH!! So THAT'S why they call it chicken!
Becca's New Seat
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Babies in my Basket
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
And this next one is a little masterpiece I like to call "Committed to Painting the Kitchen":
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Ben Goes to Kindergarten
Tonight was "Beginner's Night" at Ben's future elementary school -- an introduction to the school for parents and rising kindergarteners. Ben was clearly anxious as we arrived despite the fact that four of his friends were there also. He knew he was going to be required to separate from me and go to one of the classrooms, so as one of the staff approached to take him from me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and prepared to dig his heels in.
And then the woman said, "Hi there, Ben. We have baby ducks. Would you like to see them?" And Ben nodded hesitantly, looked at me, looked at her, looked back at me... and she led him off to see the baby ducks (and then to his classroom).
After the program for the parents finished, I found Ben in his classroom. He seemed a little shell-shocked, but quickly filled me in on his two favorite aspects of kindergarten: the ducks (which he showed me, in a little pond in the school's courtyard) and the computers in the classroom. Kindergarten, thankfully, seems to have met with his approval -- at least so far.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I Should Have Knocked on Wood
When someone inquires after your children's health and you say they're fine, always knock on wood, people...
*Actually Starbucks, but I'm calling it the grocery store in case Joel reads this, since I am supposed to be cutting back on my Starbucks consumption.
**The actual grocery store, this time.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Painted, Finally!
I did not manage to take a before picture unfortunately, but here is a picture of the house shortly before we bought it (this was the picture that the previous owners took for the listing. You can see that the cedar is stained a dark brown color and if you look closely you can see it was starting to fade in places even two years ago when this picture was taken. So two years later the stain was worn away in many places thanks to the sun exposure we get. The new stain we chose is a solid stain (versus semi-transparent) so it should protect better against the sun. We also had our shutters and front door painted black (they were green previously)
Before (way before):

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Beach Fest