Wednesday, April 29, 2015

April "to do" List

I am happy to report that my April "to do" list is mostly taken care of (which is good because tomorrow is the last day of April!) I had SO MUCH STUFF to take care of this month:

1. camp forms, camp forms, everywhere camp forms: camp Mindy forms, camp Katan forms, Teen camp forms, camp Blue Star forms. Forms that needed to be filled out by doctors. Immunization records. Ugh, ugh, ugh. Back when Joel and I were debating a third kid I should have said, "But what about all the FORMS?!" I have them all done and turned in except for two Blue Star forms I seem to have lost (I have requested replacements).

2. Buy plane tickets. One for Ben to go visit uncle Mike and aunt Kathleen in July. Five for all of us to fly to Grand Cayman in August.

3. Passport applications. Somehow the only one of us with a valid passport is me. Joel's and Ben's are expired and the girls have never had passports. I created and printed all the applications online and printed them out, but Joel and I need to bring all three kids to a passport office to process the applications in person since they are minors. I made the appointment for May 19 which was the first available evening appointment they had. Good thing I didn't procrastinate any longer:)

4. Car stuff. I had to renew my registration/get my car inspected/pay vehicle taxes, and I had to get a DMV form filled out by the eye doctor so that I can renew my driver's license. I haven't actually done the renewing part yet but it doesn't expire till July.

I still have a few more things to get taken care of like paying for our Hilton Head rental, figuring out the situation with the Grand Cayman rental, actually renewing my driver's license, and making sure to get the kids to the passport appointment in May... But happy to report that I am slightly less buried in forms now :) PHEW ;) Bring on May!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Cousin Jasper

While we were away this weekend the kids were introduced to their newest furry cousin, Jasper. Jasper is a 14 week old chocolate lab puppy who judging by the size of his paws (and the size he is already) is going to be a very big boy! He is sweet and friendly and affords all the perks of a new puppy without us actually having to be the ones taking care of a new puppy ;) Congrats Aunt Abby and Uncle Mike on your new addition!


Sharon babysat for the weekend, and Joel and I drove down to Greenville, SC. The weather was cool and cloudy but the rain held off. We explored the city, which has both a very cute downtown area with lots of shops and restaurants, as well as a lot of parks and greeenways. Everything was walk-able from our hotel so we didn't have to drive at all once we got there. It is a  very cute city. Sometime we will bring the kids for a weekend and visit the zoo and children's museum there. We ate our way through some of Greenville's notable dining establishments, our favorite definitely being The Lazy Goat. We also went to a jazz concert (Diana Krall who neither of us had ever heard of but she was in town so why not?)

Below are some pictures I took during our walks exploring the city:

Friday, April 24, 2015

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Cauliflower Crust Pizza

This was attempt #2. Very tasty!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday Morning Breakfast Treat

Along with my attempt at cauliflower crust pizza yesterday I also made little fruit tarts with almond flour crust and whipped cream. ("It's pizza and pizza!" Caroline exclaimed upon seeing dinner /dessert last night). There was one left this morning so a certain little someone had a little treat for breakfast :)

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Weekend in Pictures

The sleepover of the century:

A trip to Carowinds:

Daddy's birthday dinner!

The only sun we saw today ;)

The girls also got their dance recital costumes , and I experimented with cauliflower crust pizza for dinner tonight (definitely worth another try). 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Slumber Party

Rebecca is at a slumber party tonight for her friend /neighbor Gray's 7th birthday. I need to thank Gray's parents for setting the slumber party bar a little too high for the rest of us:

Tzedakah Song

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Congrats Abby!

On running her second half marathon!! The girls had fun making posters yesterday and cheering their aunt on at the finish line!

Mom and Dad Are Here!

Friday, April 10, 2015

New Bike

She shunned pink, but purple apparently is okay (but not as good as blue would have been, but alas no blue 20 inch girls' bikes to be found).

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

My Sassy Lunch Date

Three days in a row, thanks to Passover lunch restrictions at CJP. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Too Much of a Good Thing?

Joel took Ben to see the Hornets play the Sixers last night where Ben had a great time and ate tons of junk food and then spent all day today in bed with diarrhea and heartburn. Joel had to make two trips out to get ginger ale and Gatorade first and then later to get Zantac. Not sure if he has a virus or it was something he ate or what. At any rate, looks like Ben will be staying home with me tomorrow instead of going to spring break camp at the J :(

Friday, April 3, 2015

Happy Passover!

I only set the smoke detectors off twice this year! Yay me!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Gearing up for Passover as you might guess :)

House Rules

As with most parents, one of our "house rules" is no throwing things in the house. This past weekend, in between vomit episodes, the girls had stuffed animals downstairs and I caught Caroline starting to toss hers around dangerously. I said to her sternly, "Stop that! Don't you remember what will happen if you throw things in here?" Because, the last stuffed-animal-throwing-incident a couple of months ago ended with a broken piece of Israeli pottery (sorry Papa and Mary, I think that makes two out of three).

To which she replied smartly, "Yes! We will break something that came from Israel!"

Then this morning while we were getting ready for school she asked me, "Mommy can we move to a new house?" Baffled, I asked her, "Why do you want to move to a new house?" To which she replied, "So that I can throw things inside without breaking something that came from Israel!"