Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Back at the Pool

The first of many weekend afternoons at the pool, I'm sure! Yay for summer!

Another Painting Project

Painting the poop brown half bathroom :)

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Bake Sale

We teamed up with the Robinsons yesterday at the annual neighborhood yard sale to set up a bake sale and lemonade stands with proceeds donated to LLS for my Moms in Training fundraiser. We sold all of our homemade cookies, brownies and pistachio lemon bars and raised over $140 for LLS! Woo hoo!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Moving Up Day

CJP's moving up ceremony. (Caroline is only moving up to pre-K but it was still adorable and sweet anyway). 

Monday, May 23, 2016

At Least she is Trained

All I have to do is point towards my bathroom sternly and she runs into my room and jumps into the bathtub. Yeah, we've had a lot of practice at this. 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

LLS Gala

Joel and I went to the LLS Man/Woman of the Year Gala last night at the uptown Sheraton. Despite having to evacuate for another fire alarm -- same thing happened at the movies last weekend -- it was a great event! We ended up with the winning bid on a pair each of Panthers and Hornets tickets and a Hornets basketball autographed by the whole team and possibly Michael Jordan though we're not positive ;) Ben may be getting that for his birthday. Joel would not let me bid on the Hawaii vacation or the Super Bowl tickets, both of which ended up going for 6k ;)

There are 3 weeks to go in my fundraising challenge for LLS! If you are reading this blog and you haven't donated yet, please consider donating using the link below. Every donation counts and you will be entered in a raffle to win a $100 gift card! THANK YOU!

Thursday, May 19, 2016


Rebecca has moved up to a level "O" in reading, which means... Ramona Quimby!! ❤️

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Maid House?

Here is Ben Instagram-ing his new shoes. Yes after a 30 minute lecture on teens and social media I let him have an Instagram account. He now has more followers than I do. 

He customized the shoes on Nike's web site and after an agonizing three week wait and a trip all the way from China they finally arrived. Unfortunately his well thought placement of the words "House" and "Maid" on the tongues to spell his nickname that the kids at school call him, "Housemaid", backfired. Because the words were printed facing out when he assumed they would be facing in so they accidentally spell "Maid House" instead. After his initial disappointment ("But Maid House makes no sense!") He got over it and few of his friends seem to have noticed the mistake. Of course I did point out that House Maid doesn't make any sense either. "Why do they call you that? Because you sweep the floor with your competition?" To which he just laughed. Apparently he has no idea either. I also told him he could just keep his legs crossed all the time or wear his shoes on the wrong feet. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Ready for Swim Team!

Weekend Wrap Up

We had a busy weekend, and beautiful weather! Joel and I went out to Soul Gastrolounge with Abby and Mike to celebrate their two year anniversary in Charlotte. We also saw the movie Keanu, which Ben has been obsessed with despite the fact that he is not allowed to see it because it's rated R. He was happy that we went and saw it, anyway.

Joel finished up the final touch up on the bedroom paint and we put the mirror back up and everything back in place. His next project may be the downstairs half bathroom. I'm researching paint colors for that one. We also contracted with the hardwood floor guy who redid our floors back in November to install hardwoods in our bedroom and up the stairs/ in the upstairs hallways in June while we are in Hilton Head. So that is exciting :)

Ben and Becca went to Mitzvah Day at Loaves and Fishes yesterday morning and helped to sort canned food donations for the food bank. Everything went fine until Joel went to the bathroom and while he was gone Ben hoisted Rebecca up to put her in a giant box of canned goods, and accidentally dropped her in. She has a cut on her collar bone and and a couple of scrapes on her arm. After that, Joel decided it was time to come home ;)

Becca starts swim team practice this afternoon, Ben has his last Monday Hebrew school, and this is the last full week of school! The next three weeks are four day weeks and then school is DONE. Where did the time go??

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Breakfast of Champions

Leftovers from a trip to Buffalo Wild Wings with Uncle Mike and Charlie last night ;)

Thursday, May 12, 2016

The State Song (again)

The third and final one of my children to learn the 50 state song :) And I think she did better than her siblings because as far as I can tell she only left out New York and Washington ;)

Someone Please Explain This to Me

What do adolescent boys do to their shoes???!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Painting is Done!

Now just need a new comforter and a new light fixture ...

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

Great Mother's Day today which involved breakfast from Ben, cards from the girls, going to my moms in training workout, shopping with Abby for summer clothes, Joel finishing the bedroom painting project, and going out to dinner with the kids!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Birthday Party

Happy first birthday Grant and Reid :)

Hawk Fest

ELE's annual spring carnival!

Monday, May 2, 2016

It Must be Monday!

Kids in Training

Mom wasn't the only one working out yesterday! After our regular Moms in Training workout, we had a special Kids in Training workout. Here are some pictures of Caroline working out with trainer Adam. She had a great time! Please consider donating to our fundraising efforts for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society if you haven't yet! Caroline says THANK YOU!