Monday, February 27, 2017

A Couple Random Updates

1. Becca is fully recovered from the flu. She went back to school Friday and I enjoyed about 2.5 hours of peace and quiet Friday morning before Caroline's teacher called to say she was complaining of having a stomach ache and not feeling well. So I picked her up and was sure she must be coming down with the flu, but apparently she just wanted to come home early and hang with Mom, because she never developed a fever and was fine by mid afternoon. Apparently she later told Becca that she must have confused being hungry with having a stomach ache. Sigh.

2. I paid the balance of our Israel bar mitzvah trip, and then promptly bought a $650 travel insurance policy in case World War III breaks out before June. You never know, these days. Caroline's preschool was evacuated for another bomb threat today. As in, again. For the second time since January. I don't know what this world is coming to, but it's not good!

Caroline Does Homework

Caroline doing homework generally goes something like this:
CAROLINE: Ugh, homework is so BORING. 
ME: Well you only needed to write at least two words and you have at least a dozen. You can be done if you want. 
[repeat conversation every five minutes for half an hour until I physically wrestle her homework book away from her].


Thursday, February 23, 2017


By the time we got home from the zoo Sunday night Becca was starting to complain of a headache, and by Monday morning she had a raging fever, headache, stomach ache and some cough/ congestion. She has been home sick with me all week. She has been having a few hours of feeling fine followed by a few hours of fever and headache and stomach ache. Today she was doing great all day, and we even went out for dinner and ice cream because she has been so cooped up and the weather has been so nice. But now she is curled up on the couch again saying her stomach hurts. No fever yet today still, so I  am still hoping she can go to school tomorrow!

Here are some pictures I took while we were out at dinner:



Monday, February 20, 2017


The weather was great yesterday, sunny and around 70. We took a day trip to Asheboro to visit the zoo because my mommy guilt was setting in -- Caroline had never been to the zoo before! To be fair, we aren't located near one ... Asheboro is nearly 2 hours away and so is the zoo in Columbia, which we did take Ben and Rebecca to once before Caroline was born. 

Anyway the zoo was fun and the animals were for the most part very active especially the gorillas and polar bears. Two of the gorillas were running around and wrestling with each other right in front of us and Caroline could have watched them all day. Actually after about a half hour I had to drag her away from them and she cried! 

The polar bears were another favorite, as they were playing in the water and swimming right in front of us. Caroline got a great picture of one of them playing with some sort of pickle shaped polar bear chew toy;)



Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day!

Becca and her friend LuLu at the class Valentine party, and flowers from Joel--



Thursday, February 9, 2017

Report Cards

Ben and Rebecca brought home their second quarter report cards this week - Rebecca earned straight As for a second time and her math teacher wrote on her report card that she is a leader and a role model in the classroom. Ben earned 3 As and 3 Bs though one of his Bs was 1 point away from an A. He is off to a good start in quarter 3, with all As so far, and Becca has a 100 average in all of her classes to start off the third quarter. Hopefully these hard working kids will keep up the good work!

3rd Grade Shabbat Dinner

Becca received her prayer book at the third grade family Shabbat / dinner last Friday night. Here she is with two of her friends from preschool / religious school, Leia and Amelia. Congratulations girls!