Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mid-Week Update

Because some of you complain when I go four days with no blog post... KATHLEEN! ;)

Car update - the new leather seats look awesome and make it look like a brand new car! (Smells like one too now). The only problem is there's a little latch on the bottom back of the two second row seats that you use to tether the top of a car seat to, and they accidentally forgot to slit the leather to allow those to be accessible. So Rebecca's car seat is not properly latched, and I am waiting for the dealership to call me back... they are supposed to send someone out to fix it so I don't have to bring it back in. Otherwise, the new car is great and maybe the greatest part is that since Ben has decided to take up residence in the 3rd row whenever we go anywhere, and Becca sits in the second row, THEY DON'T BICKER ANYMORE! They used to bicker continually as soon as we would get into the car.

Ben update - Ben is off for Veterans Day today. This morning in the car on the way to drop off Rebecca he announced that not only is it Veterans Day, but it's also Diwali. Then he explained all about Diwali. I was impressed with his knowledge of world culture, even though I thought Diwali was last week...? He's out enjoying the day with Nanny and Papa today, with lunch and a movie on the agenda - lucky boy.

Becca update - Becca attended her first dance/gymnastics class on Tuesday, courtesy of Nanny and Papa who signed her up for lessons every Tuesday after school at The Little Gym. I didn't go with her on Tuesday since I had to go pick up my car from the dealership, but starting on Tuesday Joel's parents will pick her up and take her to the class, which starts at 5, and I'll meet them there around 5:15 so I can watch most of it. From what I heard about her first class, she LOVED it!


Grandma said...

Thank you for the excellent update:) What lucky kids to have Nanny and Pop-pop taking them to cool places. I can't wait to see pics of Becca in dance/gymnastics class. Diwhat??

Carolyn said...

Rachel takes that same class at the Little Gym and loves it. It is so adorable watching those little girls tap/ballet.

Kathleen said...

Thanks for the updates!!!!