Wednesday, May 11, 2011


We had quite a thunderstorm last night from about 12am to 2am or so. By 1am the rain, wind and thunder was so loud and constant that both kids woke up terrified. Ben woke up first and I told him he could come get in bed with me. We went to check on Rebecca, and as soon as she saw me in the doorway of her room she jumped out of bed and ran over and threw herself in my arms. Fortunately the power only flickered off once, and the kids got in bed with me and watched a couple episodes of Big Time Rush on the DVR. It really was a scary storm, especially since Joel is away at a conference in Virginia this week. So it was just me and the kids. I kept a flashlight handy just in case, and monitored the weather from my cell phone. I could tell the storm would be moving away by around 2 am, so I managed to coax the kids back into their own beds a little after 2am, once they could tell the rain, wind and thunder had greatly diminished. We were all a little tired this morning!

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