Monday, February 11, 2013

The Blowout

Murphy's Law states somewhere that whenever you leave the house with the baby with anything less than full  disaster-preparedness, you will definitely end up needing whatever item or items it was that you neglected to bring along. Like last night when we didn't feel like fixing dinner so decided to go out to grab a quick bite to eat. I brought the diaper bag, but there was no spare change of clothes in it. Before the end of our meal Caroline had done such a huge diaper blowout that I had to take off all her clothes including socks, and she managed to get poop on every inch of herself including somehow on her forehead and in her hair. She had to come home wearing nothing but a diaper and her coat. Here she is shortly after we arrived home (but before chucking her in the bath tub). I can only imagine her thought process below is something like "Why, why WHY did you have to stick me with these dolts for parents??"


Kathleen said...

Was the blowout as bad as the one Bed had in Boston that one time? YUCK!

Kathleen said...

Um....Ben had in Boston...not Bed

Amanda said...

I must admit, it's been a long 8 years and 3 kids worth of diaper-blowouts, so while that incident may be memorable to you, I have zero recollection of it, LOL.