Tuesday, November 5, 2013

GI Appointment

Caroline rocked it at her follow-up GI appointment this morning, holding still and only fussing a little during the blood draw. We talked to her doctor a bit before getting the labs, and he said her weight (now 30 pounds) is great, and she is both gaining weight and getting taller now. Her belly is still a little distended but much improved. He said he would not expect her to have made a full recovery six months out, and he does expect that her blood tests will still show some elevated TTG levels. But he assured us that this does not mean we are doing anything wrong with her diet; rather, the intestines can be slow to heal and she may still be getting some sugars passed into her colon which causes gas and bloating. He would expect her TTG levels to have dropped significantly since six months ago, and in another six months he would expect them to be at normal levels. He will continue to follow her every 6 months until her blood work comes back normal and then less frequently after that. She has been growing well and her bowel movements are much more normal than they used to be so there is every reason to think her blood tests will be much improved from six months ago. So now we just keep our fingers crossed and wait for her results :) They should be back later this week.

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