Tuesday, May 6, 2014

GI Appointment

Caroline had her semi-annual GI visit today, marking just over one year since we got her diagnosis and started her on the gluten free diet. She is 35.2 pounds (up from 30 pounds at her last GI visit in November) and 37 inches. She is at about the 95th percentile for weight and about the 87th percentile for height. The doctor was happy with her growth and says it indicates that her intestinal lining is healing nicely. Her lab work will be the real indicator though of how she is doing -- really hoping for a "normal" range result this time. We will get the results within the next couple of days. 

Caroline was happy and talkative for the doctor, informing him that she peed in her pull-up and just generally talking his ear off. When we headed over to the lab, she asked "Are we going swimming?" (Apparently quite confused about where we were and what we were doing). When she saw the nurse in the lab -- who remembered her from last time-- she got very, very quiet but did not cry or fuss at all. She sat on my lap and was so brave and held so still! I was so proud of her. She let out the tiniest squeak when the needle went in and that was it. I had brought a cookie for when she was done and she ate her cookie and had perked up and was singing by the time we got back out to the car.


Grandma said...

Congrats to Mommy, Toddler and Doctor too. Great teamwork! And she is soooo adorable:)

Abigail said...

Awwww way to go Caroline!!