Friday, November 14, 2014

TGIF / Friday Update

Retrieved Ben and a pile of stinky laundry a little while ago from the 5th grade camping trip to Camp Thunderbird, where he had been since Wednesday morning. He pronounced the trip, which included rock-wall climbing, zip lining, a dance, and candle-making among other activities, to have been "awesome".

Also got the results of Caroline's blood work from last week, which was not as encouraging as hoped-- her antibody levels which had been at 19 last time, are now at 33. Wrong direction :( Clinically she seems fine though and is growing and not having diarrhea / complaining of any stomach issues. So we aren't sure if she got some accidental exposure recently (at Disney perhaps since we ate out a lot), or what. Despite the doctor's assessment last week that she doesn't need to be seen for a year, I think we are going to bring her back again in 6 months to check the labs again, and concentrate on making sure we keep her cross-contamination risk at home as low as possible.

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