Thursday, December 18, 2014

Crazy Thursday

I got a call from the school nurse at 7:30 this morning -- yes, immediately after Becca arrived at school she went to the nurse -- saying that Becca looked like she had pink eye and I needed to come get her. (Yes she had complained about her eye hurting this morning but I blew it off and sent her to school). So Joel took Caroline to preschool and I went and picked up Becca.

Becca got to help me take Clara to the vet, where she got a tentative "all clear" to resume normal activities other than running around with other dogs/chasing frisbees and that sort of thing. She needs to work her way back up to that stuff over the next couple of months. We also picked up a new rabies tag for her while we were there since hers seemed to have fallen off her collar at some point. Clara of course is a total spazz at the vet -- she barks and whines and pants and tries to climb all over everyone and everything.

After that we brought Clara home and I squeezed in an hour or so of work and then we went out again to take Becca to the doctor to have her eye looked at (pink eye confirmed), grab some lunch, and get her eye drop prescription. After that back home to do a little more work, and then out to pick Amelia up from day care and get Charlie and Ben off the bus -- Abby has the flu or something, ugh!!

Hoping for a quieter day tomorrow!

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