Thursday, February 26, 2015

Crazy Week

Yes I am confident in calling it a "crazy week" even though the week is not over yet ;) Becca started throwing up Tuesday evening and was home sick yesterday, then last night was the snowstorm that didn't happen -- CMS and CJP announced last night that they would be closed today due to the impending snowpocalypse. The national weather service was calling for 8-10 inches in our immediate area, and 10-14 north of here.

 Of course, as the slushy snow started falling last night and I mused "How can we get that much snow when the temperature is not below freezing?" and Joel looked at the radar and mused, "This storm is moving really, really fast." And there you have it -- not quite cold enough + really fast moving storm = 1/2 inch of snow/slush this morning, a far cry from even the most conservative (3-5 inch) forecast that had been circulating last night.

So today, all three kids home and I am trying to get through the day with my wits about me. Becca threw up on her sheets and the laundry was in a general state of disarray before that, then Caroline peed on hers, and so I am trying to work my way through a ton of laundry while also working. Becca seems to have disappeared up to her cousin's house (I won't complain), Ben is out playing basketball with a friend, and Caroline finally fell asleep for her nap. Hoping to enjoy the peace and quiet and get caught up on a few things finally :)

Oh somewhere in all this mess this week Joel and I closed on a mortgage refinance ;) Busy week!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Oh My! :( Hope Becca bounces back!