Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Mid Week Update

Back at work after a long weekend, and all the kids home and back to camp! Becca is back at camp Mindy and Ben is doing two weeks of a computer programming camp at Charlotte Latin. The first week is learning how to program mods for the game Minecraft, which is right up his alley, and next week is game design. He is liking it a lot but did mention that he is the only "cool" kid there. ("Some kids were wearing JEANS, mom. And shirts with buttons!") Anything other than basketball shorts and t-shirts horrify Ben. When did jeans become uncool...? Of course, it is 97 degrees this week so that is a bit odd.

The washing machine has been broken for two and a half weeks now. Or possibly longer? I've lost count. There is a large pile of boxes sitting on my front porch, and supposedly it is getting fixed for real on Friday. However, after trying to go through my home warranty company, and then being told they could not do the repair because it is covered under the manufacturer's warranty, now I am being told that only the parts are covered and the labor is still going to cost me somewhere in the neighborhood of $500 give or take. If I had known that, I would have just bought a new washing machine two weeks ago instead of going through all this hassle trying to get it fixed. If I didn't have Abby right up the street letting me borrow her washer every day (yes I have to do laundry almost every day) I would have caved a long time ago and just gotten a new one. Sigh.

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