Monday, February 29, 2016

Having Some Fun (Please Don't Sue Us)

Ben watched last night's John Oliver show with us tonight and then decided to have a little fun on his laptop :)


Leap Year Monday

I'm actually kind of glad it's Monday considering my weekend consisted of nursing Ben who had a stomach bug -- fortunately only a 24 hour one it seems, since he rallied impressively by yesterday afternoon and ate a big, regular dinner. Joel had to work this weekend and I had a ton of laundry to do so it was a fun and thrilling weekend ;)

My only trip out of the house was to attend the second grade prayer service at religious school, where all of the second graders had to share a prayer that they wrote in class recently. Rebecca, apparently having no idea that eventually a microphone would be handed to her and she was going to have to read this prayer to the entire second grade and their families, apparently totally blew off/ gave very little thought to her prayer and wrote only, "thank you for my family." So while all the other kids before her stood up and read their prayers where they waxed philosophical about nature, pets, their love of God etc, Becca fidgeted and looked uncomfortable and when it was her turn she improvised by at least listing out her family members that she was thankful for and making her prayer at least slightly longer than five words but still probably the shortest one. Afterwards I gave her a hard time and told her not to blow off the next prayer writing assignment and she insisted that she had written more than that but that it somehow had not ended up on the program ;)

Happy February 29th all, sunny and 70 today and spring can't come soon enough for me :)

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Super Cute!

Joel took the girls to paint pottery the other night while I was out with Abby and Ben was at his teen camp reunion. Everything turned out super cute! Thanks for the new coffee mug Joel!


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Weekend Wrapup

We had a busy weekend. Becca had a birthday party to go to, Ben had a teen camp reunion, the girls went out to dinner with Joel and painted pottery, Ben and Joel saw Zoolander 2, and Abby and I got to go out for dinner and drinks!

Caroline still has a crappy cough and tires easily but overall seems to be feeling much better except for she started to complain about her ear hurting tonight so I am hoping isn't starting to get an ear infection after all this. 

Friday, February 19, 2016

Starting to Feel Better

Starting to see some spunk in this girl finally -- still coughing like crazy but at least the fever is gone! A whole week home with Mom! And now guess who else is starting to cough???

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Hello, Croup Old Friend

After the most unnecessary snow day ever yesterday -- seeing as how no precipitation materialized at all until 4pm and it was mostly just rain -- Ben and Becca headed back to school today. But Caroline, who started sounding hoarse on Sunday and started suspiciously seal-like coughing yesterday was up half the night coughing and sitting in a steamy bathroom by 6am and at the doctor by 9am. She got a dose of foul tasting steroids and was so serene and happy through the entire visit that the nurses were looking at each other in disbelief and commenting that they wished all their patients were just like her.  Way to go Caroline! Now just hoping the 'roid rage won't be too bad and that we will all sleep better tonight!

Sunday, February 14, 2016


Caroline drew me a picture and tried to write "to Mom from Caroline" on the back. She got all the words right, just wrote them from bottom to top and right to left instead of the other way around ;) She had no help at all! 

Happy Valentine's Day!

Joel and I went out for a Valentine's Day dinner at Barrigton's followed by a movie (The Big Short) last night. The kids were treated to giant Hershey kisses today  and a family trip to see Kung Fu Panda 3 -- happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Caroline gnawing on her Hershey kiss:

Thursday, February 11, 2016

New Rug

I got a new rug for my office -- Clara seems to approve :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Unlikely Roommates

Joel: "I put the dog in her crate. The cat was already in there. So now they're both in there together. Is that bad?"

The World's Longest Gummy Worm

Half the neighborhood turned out to witness it's unveiling and get a taste ;)

Pajama Day at CJP

A chilly one!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Second Grade Program

Becca's 2nd grade music program was tonight. The theme was "How the West was Sung" and it was very cute. I am probably more relieved than Becca that it is over, because she has been obsessing about the performance for weeks and insisting that she would get stage fright. She does not seem to have had any such problem! Great job Becca!!

Videography by Ben:

Monday, February 8, 2016

Super Bowl 50

Not the outcome we wanted for our adopted hometown team, but a fun party anyway! Keep pounding, Panthers!

Friday, February 5, 2016