Monday, February 29, 2016

Leap Year Monday

I'm actually kind of glad it's Monday considering my weekend consisted of nursing Ben who had a stomach bug -- fortunately only a 24 hour one it seems, since he rallied impressively by yesterday afternoon and ate a big, regular dinner. Joel had to work this weekend and I had a ton of laundry to do so it was a fun and thrilling weekend ;)

My only trip out of the house was to attend the second grade prayer service at religious school, where all of the second graders had to share a prayer that they wrote in class recently. Rebecca, apparently having no idea that eventually a microphone would be handed to her and she was going to have to read this prayer to the entire second grade and their families, apparently totally blew off/ gave very little thought to her prayer and wrote only, "thank you for my family." So while all the other kids before her stood up and read their prayers where they waxed philosophical about nature, pets, their love of God etc, Becca fidgeted and looked uncomfortable and when it was her turn she improvised by at least listing out her family members that she was thankful for and making her prayer at least slightly longer than five words but still probably the shortest one. Afterwards I gave her a hard time and told her not to blow off the next prayer writing assignment and she insisted that she had written more than that but that it somehow had not ended up on the program ;)

Happy February 29th all, sunny and 70 today and spring can't come soon enough for me :)

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