Monday, March 14, 2016

Weekend Wrapup

The weekend was warm and sunny and we spent a lot of time outside enjoying the spring weather! Ben had his first flag football practice, where he earned the position of QB even though he didn't particularly want it this year, because no one else on the team can throw apparently. He is in the under 15 league this year, which means 12,13 and 14 year olds and apparently everyone on the team is 13 and 14 except for his friend James who is 12 and Ben himself who won't even be 12 until June but I played him up to the under 15 league because otherwise he would not have been able to play with James. Hopefully, it being flag and all, he won't get crushed :)

Caroline has made awesome progress learning to ride a bike, at her ripe old age of she-will-be-four-and-a-quarter-tomorrow :) We are teaching her on a 12 inch bike which is way to small for her, but for learning it is good because she can put her feet flat on the ground if she gets scared or can't remember how to stop. We have a ways to go concerning stopping and steering, but by last night she had gotten to the point where she could ride in circles around the cul de sac a few times and ride down the street. Riding up the street is harder because it's up hill and those little wheels are so small, but she can make it most of the way up the street as well now.

Otherwise, we took the kids to see Zootopia Saturday afternoon, Joel finally upgraded from my old iPhone 5 to a 6s, and we fired up the grill yesterday for the unofficial start of spring :)

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