Thursday, September 29, 2016

Mid-Week Update

We celebrated Becca's 9th birthday this weekend, with dinner at Blue Taj on Saturday night, presents, steak dinner and ice cream cake on Sunday. Becca got an iPad Mini from Joel and I, and lots of other great presents. Lucky girl!

Caroline is still doing great with her reading (see video below) - yesterday while I was cooking dinner I handed her Ten Apples Up On Top and she plowed through the whole thing, needing help with maybe 5 words total. It was the first time she had ever read that book herself, and I had probably only read it to her a couple of times and not within the last year at least, so it was very new to her.

Becca and Ben have both had a good start to the school year so far, fingers crossed :) And we're still waiting for something resembling fall weather to kick in! We're looking forward to Rosh Hashana Sunday/Monday and I had promised Becca we might go ice skating Saturday afternoon.

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