Thursday, October 27, 2016

Random Updates

It's been a busy last few days! We had a great visit from Uncle Mike and Aunt Kathleen this past weekend, as well as parent-teacher conferences, dentist appointments, a trip to the spay & neuter clinic for Lucy (poor baby!), still trying to get a broken dishwasher fixed (3 weeks and counting), and a trip for flu shots for the kids.

The run-down of mentioned events is as follows:

1. the visit - we did not tell the kids that Mike and Kathleen were visiting, and they were SO SURPRISED! We hung out with the kids, went to dinner & a movie, visited with Mort and Mary, etc. The girls especially were so sad to see them go home on Monday! But we will be in Philly ourselves in a few short weeks!
2. Becca's parent teacher conference: Becca's teacher couldn't say enough good things about her. She said she was delightful to have in class, a great friend to others and a wonderful student. She has earned straight As for her first report card, with 100 averages in math and english, a 99 in science, and 98s in social studies and health. Not too shabby! She is already reading above the end of year expected reading level and scored in the 98th percentile on her literacy MAPS test. She just takes a very long time to finish her work due to a combination of not being able to sit still and being a perfectionist ;)
3. Lucy and the snip snip. Poor Lucy! She got so much anesthesia that she couldn't walk for hours and was moving her head around like the room was spinning. She is fine now though and recovering nicely.
4. Dishwasher, I just seriously don't want to talk about it, all I will say is that I hate Sears repair service with a passion.
5. Flu shots - went exactly as predicted: Ben, great. Caroline, a trooper. Becca, I had to sit on her and hold her down while she kicked and screamed. Fun stuff!

And, I have been trying to stay away from talking about work/ politics , since they are so closely related, but you know what time of year this is and work is crazy!! I will be so happy for a vast number of reasons, come November 9th!

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