Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Mid-Week Update

Ben got a desk and chair for his room for Hanukkah last night. I am trying to give him some things he NEEDS this year. It was actually really easy to put together, but weighs a ton.

In other news, we got a quarter stuck down the garbage disposal and had to have someone come out to tell us that and fish it out, and also look at our upstairs hall toilet. On Christmas morning at 2:15 a.m it started raining in the kitchen. No, not a Christmas miracle, an overflowing toilet. After the mess was cleaned up I turned off the water to that toilet and forbade anyone from using it until I could have someone come look at it. That someone couldn't find anything wrong with it and said it is OK to use and just to "keep an eye on it". The kitchen ceiling doesn't look TOO much worse for wear - though there are some water stains around two of the recessed lights where the water was pouring out of. and one or two of the boards in our kitchen floor, which are brand new mind you after last year's kitchen flood disaster, are showing some warping. Not TOO bad either, so I'm not sure if we're going to attempt to do anything about that or not.

My next order of business is to figure out how to get the hot pink Sharpie off my BRAND NEW TABLE. Yes, someone who shall remain nameless (Ok, Caroline) decided to color using a hot pink sharpie and it bled through the paper onto my new table. Apparently I need to sand it off and then apply some poly acrylic sealer to it. Wish me luck with that.

Crossing my fingers that nothing else breaks / gets ruined this week!!

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