Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Halfway Through a Crazy Week

So far we've gotten through bar mitzvah tutoring, a bar mitzvah rehearsal, two days of end of grade testing, and an Israel trip meeting. Still to go - Caroline's preschool graduation, another bar mitzvah rehearsal, and another day of end of grade testing. A three day weekend can't come fast enough! Next week Ben has three additional end of grade tests but after that he'll be pretty much done for the year! The light at the end of the tunnel is getting bigger :)

Two and a half weeks until Israel???!!!! I think this is okay to say here because the kids don't read my blog - we've confirmed an extra guest for the Israel trip as of today! UNCLE MIKE!!!!! Since we didn't know till today if we could work out getting him on the trip at the last minute, we'll go ahead and keep it a surprise till he shows up to meet us at the Newark airport :)

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

What an awesome surprise!!