Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Tic Tacs

Caroline's latest in an ongoing attempt to show up her sister: I was practicing with Becca trying to get her to learn to swallow a pill. We're switching her from Metadate CD to Vyvanse for her ADHD management, and the pills are harder to open. They are also smaller because (at least for now) we are starting with a low dose so I thought she can learn to swallow them. So anyway she is practicing trying to swallow Tic Tacs. For the life of her she CAN NOT DO IT. We went through an entire box of Tic Tacs over the last two days. She can intermittently swallow a half Tic Tac, so progress. But Caroline marches up to us and demands to try it herself, grabs a Tic Tac and a glass of water and swallows it on the first try no problem. And then does three more just for good measure.

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