Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Random Updates

So February has been pretty abysmal in the blogging department... Oh well. Work has been really busy because I have to fill in for a coworker who left on maternity leave in the middle of the month, and even without that it would have been busy anyway.

Becca has her spring musical performances this weekend, one of which conflicts with Caroline's first piano recital, so we have a bit of a juggling act to do this weekend and Becca has extra rehearsals after school most of this week, so the usual chaos and confusion is a bit amplified :)

I imagine I never mentioned second quarter report cards; Becca got all As except for a B in literacy; Ben got all As except for a B in science, and Caroline got mostly Ms for Mastery with a few EMs (exemplary mastery) as well. Caroline continues to complain that school is too easy and boring; Becca continues to have issues with anxiety and focus which we are trying a lot of different things for, and Ben still has math and science teachers that suck ;) He gets to go on a 3 day Washington DC trip the end of next month, and Becca has a weekend religious school retreat at Camp Thunderbird in April so as usual there's plenty on the schedule.

The weather has been improving and the flowers are starting to bloom, and I am definitely ready for spring!

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