Thursday, May 17, 2018

Random Updates

A busy week in full swing! I had to get up at 5:30 to take Becca to school by 6:15 for her Raleigh field trip. Pictures of that will be forthcoming once I get some, I am sure. Swim team practice started this week also, and time trials are tomorrow night. Becca is also running a 5k on Saturday morning in Ballantyne, which means another early morning for Mom... yawn... She's quite the busy girl these days!

Broken things... upstairs A/C has broken twice in the last three weeks... repairman #2 scheduled for tomorrow. Garage door decided to break. Repairman coming this morning. We're having some landscaping started next week (don't know why I am lumping that under broken things). Vet bills! Clara went for her checkup and ended up having a needle biopsy of what turned out to be a lipoma (benign fatty tumor). Which is good news but the needle biopsy topped the vet bill off at over $400 for the day. Sigh.

That's all... countdown to the end of school / Hilton Head vacation is on!!! Three more weeks!

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