Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Guitar Lessons

Becca has been begging for guitar lessons so finally I gave in, here she is with her pink-stringed 3/4 size guitar! Adorable! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

First Day of School

My baby boy marched off to high school yesterday! Unbelievable how time flies. I remember when we first moved here it was a selling point of our neighborhood that the high school is in walking distance - a very far off selling point at the time! But here we are. Ben had a good first day and announced the only teacher he doesn't like is his math teacher because she is the only one that actually made them do classwork and assigned homework yesterday.

The girls also had good first days of 1st and 5th! Fingers crossed for a great year for everyone!

Friday, August 24, 2018

Almost Time to go Back to School!

The kids go back to school on Monday! Yesterday we had a marathon day which included Meet the Teacher for both girls and Freshman orientation for Ben. The girls put away their classroom supplies and said hello to their teachers - Becca has Ms. Flowers and Caroline has Ms. Jeanne. I know nothing about either one of them, but fingers crossed for a great year for both of them!

Later on Ben and I walked over to the high school (15 minutes door to door, we timed it - though most of those 15 minutes is walking out of the neighborhood and there's a shortcut through one of the neighbor's yards but so far he says he doesn't want to use it). We listened to some more or less clarifying instructions by the principal, and then walked around and found all his classrooms. Of course, he said he did NOT want to go inside ("I don't want to meet any teachers yet!") First semester he has honors Earth & environmental science , Math 1, Spanish 1, Sports & Entertainment Marketing, and Team Sports. Science, math and Team sports he has every day for 1 semester only; Spanish and the sports marketing class he has on alternating days for the whole year. Second semester he has honors English, world history, and gym in place of math, science and team sports. And, he has to be in class at 7:15 a.m. so that's going to be interesting.

Kumon Update

Caroline is about five months into her stint at Kumon, and she is just starting level "B", which they tell me is 2nd grade math though it doesn't correlate totally with grade level.

Anyway the teacher came to see me after Caroline finished up yesterday to tell me about the new level and to show me that she'd had Caroline start on one of her new work sheets to see how she would do. She said, "I didn't show her how to do it, all I told her was to make sure she lined up her numbers under the problem properly."

So I asked the obvious question, "Well then how did she know how to carry over the 1 to the other column?"

"Beats me," she said. And then, "If she can figure out how to do it herself, it doesn't really matter how she's doing it. It actually shows me that she has very good number sense. So if you don't need to show her how to do it by carrying over the 1, don't. Just let her do it her way."

Thursday, August 16, 2018

From San Francisco, With Love

Okay I've been remiss in the blogging department. I'd suggest those (few) of you still reading the blog should resign yourselves to the fact that the kids are getting older and more aware of their presence on the interwebz, Facebook has long since taken over much of the day to day keeping in touch business,  and life is just plain hectic most of the time. However I'll try to continue to post the highlights.

Like this one! Such an awesome trip to San Francisco / Lake Tahoe to visit the Larkins, whose kids got along with ours like peas in a pod. It was a very fun trip with so much to see and do! Below are some of my favorite pictures from the trip.  Of course the week went by way to fast, and back here in Charlotte we have so much to do to catch up with work and get ready for school to start!