Friday, May 30, 2008
The Grand Unveiling

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Rain Delay
Anyway, the guys worked for about 3 hours or so and then called it quits for the day. Tomorrow I promise: pictures of the kids swinging blissfully...
Monday, May 26, 2008
Ben and Rebecca's Naming Ceremony 5/23/08
Thank my sister for the crazy camera work at the beginning. (She says she was just "getting situated.")
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Photo Essay #3: Best Friends*
Photo Essay #2: Heaven in Custard Sauce*
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Shop Till You Drop
New purse: $60
New bathing suit: $210
Spending an entire day shopping with Abby, kid-free: Priceless.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Generation Gap Bridged
This weekend Joel brought out his collection of Star Wars action figures from when he was not much older than Ben is now. It was love at first sight. Except, Ben seems to have lost Darth Vader already. Whoops.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
You Pee on it, You Buy it
Ben's birthday-party-induced hyperactivity had gotten on my nerves, and I had sent him to sit on a lawn mower until we were finished. My self-congratulations were interrupted by a morose announcement from Ben: "I peed," he said.
I picked him up off the lawn mower to see my worse fears realized: there was a puddle of yellow underneath him, and as I stood him up he started making a puddle on the floor too.
I hustled Ben out to the car as fast as I could leaving Joel with the baby to finish up our purchase. When Joel emerged a few minutes later, Ben was enjoying the novelty of being half-naked in his car seat.
"Did you have to buy a lawn mower too?" I asked as Joel handed me the receipt.
"Nah," he said. "I just pretended I didn't notice."
Good plan.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Danger, Will Robinson
So now, happily, my radio, which I have set up in the kitchen, will sound an alarm and switch to voice broadcast whenever one of sixty-some odd alerts occurs in my county, including but not limited to: Biological Hazard Warning, Civil Danger Warning, Earthquake Warning, Hurricane Warning, Volcano Warning, Tsunami Warning, and my personal favorite, Iceburg Warning.
When Doomsday comes, I will be one of the first to know. Whether or not I will be any better prepared for it is another question.
Beware the Ides of... May?
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Teacher Appreciation
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Words of Advice
"Keep an eye on Ava," he told me. "She bites. If she bites, or hits or scratches, send her to the timeout chair."
"Okay..." I said, not paying much attention.
"And Rami needs to sit by himself during lunch," he continued.
"He does? Why?" Paying slightly more attention now.
"Because he screams."
"He screams?"
"Yes. Like this." Ben demonstrated loudly. I wasn't looking at him because I was driving but I could see his arms flail over his head in the rearview mirror.
Now Ben has my full attention. "Why... why does he scream?"
"I don't know," Ben said, "But he screams during lunch. If he screams, send him to Ms. Tootie's office. Do you know where Ms. Tootie's office is?"
"Yeah.." I am suddenly having second thoughts about this...
Uninvited Guests
Monday, May 12, 2008
Thunder Thighs
Then I realized that the thud-thud-thud-thud was being followed by Rebecca's laugh coming over the baby monitor: thud-thud-thud-thud-hehehehe-thud-thud-thud-thud... After mentally envisioning the layout of the house - Rebecca's room is directly over the master bedroom - I realized the noise must be coming from her room, and the only thing that could possibly be causing it was Rebecca herself. It sounded like she was jumping up and down in her crib, but since that is impossible, I finally decided she must be kicking her mattress very hard.
When she actually does start jumping up and down in her crib, it's going to sound like there's an earthquake going on up there.
Uncomfortable Questions
This of course seemed to horrify him, and he asked was he going to die? I told him everyone dies sometime, but he wouldn't die till he was a very very old man. He still looked horrified, and said he did not want me and daddy to bury him in the ground. In a desperate effort to ease his fragile psyche (and Ben's psyche seems to be very fragile indeed) I told him that it would only be his body buried in the ground, and that his spirit would go to Heaven to be with God. After having to explain what a spirit was I then had to launch into a much longer than anticipated explanation of Heaven, God, angels, and so on. The thought of Heaven did not seem to reassure him, since he was very concerned about how he would know how to get there (I told him angels would come show him the way but he was not convinced). I should have known - he is very concerned about riding the bus to kindergarten a year from now, after all.
Then, in a very troubled voice he finally said, "But mommy, if I die you won't have a little boy anymore." I almost cried! I told him he would always always be my little boy, and some day we would all be in Heaven together. And with that, I hoped he would drop it.
But of course, on the way to preschool this morning, he brought it up again - very concerned this time about how long it would take the angels to come down from Heaven to get him once he died, and how they would find him. He apparently doesn't want to have to wait around for them. I finally gave up (in retrospect I should have given up long ago) and told him I did not know all the answers because I have never been to Heaven before so he will just have to wait and find out. And at last, blessed silence from the back seat. Until -
"Put the Roger was dead song on, Mommy."
I am going to burn that CD.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Ben and Maya Plus...14?
DAD: What do you want to be when you grow up, Maya?
MAYA: A mommy!
DAD: That's nice! How many children are you going to have?
MAYA: Fourteen!
DAD: Have you picked out a Daddy for them yet?
MAYA: Ben!
The Difference Between TV and Reality
"I got you chocolate and vanilla protein shakes [Pediasure]," I told him.
"Did you get me orange juice?"
"Did you get me cherry juice?"
"I don't think there's any such thing as cherry juice," I told him.
"But Mom! On Max and Ruby they have cherry juice," he informed me.
"Yes, but Max and Ruby are also talking rabbits."
"I know that, Mom! But they also have cherry juice!" he said with exasperation, the point entirely missed.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
The Evolution of Humor
Stage 1: Burp jokes. As this video demonstrates, even very young infants appreciate the innate humor associated with burping. As humans mature, so does their appreciation for other types of humor. Nevertheless, quite a large percentage of human males never progress past Stage 2, even once adulthood is reached.*
*Stage 2: Fart jokes
The Usual
And then this morning it happened. The face behind the counter was only vaguely familiar. "I'm sorry," she said. "I don't remember your drink."
Quick! Now's your chance! Order a venti green tea frappucino! the voice in the back of my head screams. "I'll have a grande skinny caramel macchiato," I hear myself saying.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
"Did you just look at my plate to see if I finished my dinner?" Busted!
The Incredible Shrinking Woman
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Barack Obama is my Daddy
Translation: Get that camera out of my face and go vote! Go on! Look what you have done - the thought of having to listen to Hillary accept the Democratic nomination is making me spit up my YoBaby.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Wasting Time
Sunday, May 4, 2008
The Occupational Hazards of Archaeology

Saturday, May 3, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
Here's to You, Diet Coke
Like Riding a Bike
Today - drum roll please - I removed it from its new home in the corner of the garage, wiped off some of the dust, inflated the tires, and went for a ride at lunch. The first couple of minutes were a little less than graceful. Anyone watching would have realized I had not ridden a bike in a long time. But after a couple of laps around the cul de sac I got the hang of it and biked up the road to Rebecca's day care - though I did not stop in because she's at the age where she will cry if she sees me and I leave without her. Then I circled my way back home, riding down to the next entrance of our subdivision and back home that way. The entire process, including my practice laps, took less than 20 minutes. But it's a start.
Bug Zoo
Finally I spotted a lizard on one of the front porch columns. I figured he must know where the good bugs are. So I watched him for a little while and lo and behold a little black and red beetle wandered by. I corraled him into a container before the lizard could eat him for lunch, and Ben brought him to school this morning.
On the way across the parking lot of his school Ben spotted a caterpillar, so I scooped it up and took it inside with us. I figured it would get run over in the parking lot, and the more the merrier for the bug zoo, right? Well, you would have thought I'd brought a poisonous snake inside the school from some of the looks and squeals I got from both staff and parents. However, Ben's teacher was appreciative of the extra bug and found an extra container for him, and Ben lorded it over the other kids - "I brought TWO bugs for bug zoo!"
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Jellybean Starts With K
"Jellybean starts with B!"
"Jellybean," I enunciated carefully for him. "If it started with K, it would sound like Kellybean." I couldn't see him since I was driving, but he sounded perplexed.
"Kellybean? Can we eat that?"
"I was just joking honey. There's no such thing as a kellybean."
"But would it taste good?"
Conversation, Interrupted
[Cheryl to Elizabeth]: So how does Kevin like his new job so far?
[Cheryl to Carson]: Carson! Sit still and eat your dinner!
[Elizabeth to Cheryl]: He likes it so far but --
[Julie to Mason]: Sit down, honey.
[Elizabeth to Matthew]: Matthew, sit down in your seat! All your friends are sitting in their seats.
[Carson to Elizabeth]: Mason isn't sitting down.
[Elizabeth to Cheryl]: It's only been a week so far -
[Elizabeth to Matthew]: If you want to play on the playground you need to eat your dinner.
[Ben to me]: Excuse me.
[Ben to me]: Excuse me mommy.
[me to Ben]: Yes Ben?
[Ben to me]: Matthew's not sitting down.
[Me to Ben]: Don't worry about what Matthew's doing, just eat your dinner.
[Elizabeth to Matthew]: Sit down and eat your dinner.
[Cheryl to Carson]: Sit down and eat your dinner.
[Julie to Mason]: Sit down and eat your dinner.
[Baby Rebecca, to all]: Waaaaaa!