Earlier this evening we went to Home Depot to shop for patio furniture. As we stood at the service desk arranging for payment and delivery of a table, chairs and umbrella, I was quietly congratulating myself on having accomplished a difficult errand in a remarkably short amount of time, and looking forward to going out to dinner afterwards.
Ben's birthday-party-induced hyperactivity had gotten on my nerves, and I had sent him to sit on a lawn mower until we were finished. My self-congratulations were interrupted by a morose announcement from Ben: "I peed," he said.
I picked him up off the lawn mower to see my worse fears realized: there was a puddle of yellow underneath him, and as I stood him up he started making a puddle on the floor too.
I hustled Ben out to the car as fast as I could leaving Joel with the baby to finish up our purchase. When Joel emerged a few minutes later, Ben was enjoying the novelty of being half-naked in his car seat.
"Did you have to buy a lawn mower too?" I asked as Joel handed me the receipt.
"Nah," he said. "I just pretended I didn't notice."
Good plan.
Fragments: the mirror
5 days ago
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