Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Message for the Tooth Fairy

Dear Tooth Fairy,

I know you normally take teeth away and leave money, but I was wondering if maybe I left you some money you could bring some teeth instead? You see, Rebecca will be 10 months old on Friday and she still has no teeth. Zero, nada. The only non-baby food items she can gum successfully without gagging are tiny pieces of soft bread or cake, and tiny pieces of macaroni and cheese. Yes it's true that they make lots of interesting flavors of baby food nowadays -- pear strawberry granola, and sweet potato and cinnamon bisque with chicken, and creamy wheat with peaches. However I don't know how much longer I can fool my daughter into thinking these are real food. And I can't help thinking that her happy, toothless grin would be even cuter with some pearly whites showing.

Please consider this request carefully.

Respectfully yours,
Becca's mommy


Mary said...

Sofia didn't get her first tooth until two weeks before her 1st birthday and Ali didn't get hers until after her 1st birthday. It is better for them the longer they go without teeth anyway (obviously, within reason). Ali is just now getting all four of her second molars!

Amanda said...

wow - that makes me feel better :) Ben had two teeth at 6 months and at least 4 by 9 months. I was getting worried ;) why is it better the longer they go without teeth?

Abigail said...

It's better because they can't get sent home from daycare for biting, hahahaha ;)

Mary said...

Our doctor said that the longer they wait to come in the stronger they will be since they wouldn't have milk sitting on them. I have no idea if that is true but it makes sense to me. The other big bonus is really for you if you are still nursing her. If she doesn't have teeth she can't bite you!