Monday, August 11, 2008

Hey Babe!

Ben's expression du jour is "Hey Babe!" He tells me his friend Andrew taught it to him. (Along with, "Hey dude!" but he seems to prefer the former). The first time he said "Hey Babe!" to me I was a little disconcerted. I decided against broaching the subject of sexism with my four year old and simply told him not to say that to his teachers because it is not respectful.

I soon discovered, however, that Ben has absolutely no idea how "Hey Babe!" is supposed to be properly used, or even that it has a gender-specific connotation. I overheard him in the bathtub last night playing with his superhero action figures:

BEN:[as Batman to The Incredible Hulk, in a low menacing growl]: Hey Babe... I am Batman... You better watch out! I'm going to get you! [POW! THWACK! BAM!]


Mary said...

It's gender specific? I say, "hey babe" to Jason all the time.

Andrew said...

Like "Babe" Ruth???

Amanda said...

well, i just meant that one male would not generally say "hey babe" to another male ;) maybe gender-specific was not the right word ;) opposite-gender-specific? ;)

Abigail said...

Jessica's dad used to say 'hey babe' to other men all the time, remember? ;) He called everybody 'babe.'