11 PM - went to bed
11:30 PM - Rebecca wakes up crying, but it's OK because I haven't managed to fall asleep yet. I rock her for five minutes, she falls asleep.
12:15 AM - Ben wakes up crying (wants a drink of water and to go to the bathroom). I was dozing lightly at that point - still awake enough so that as soon as the first sound came over the baby monitor I was out of bed and heading for Ben's room.
1:30 AM - the phone rings. Joel answers it and reports that it's a recording of a Fleetwood Mac song (?!)
3:00 AM - Rebecca sits up in her crib and starts rocking back and forth so that her back is thudding against the side of the crib. I go lay her down - she falls right asleep and doesn't seem as though she was even really awake.
6:00 AM - ditto 3:00 AM. I ignore her.
6:30 AM - Ignoring thud-thud-thud-thud becomes impossible; I take a bottle to her. She falls back asleep.
7:30 AM - Ben climbs into bed with me and asks to turn on his Justice League DVD.
Fragments: the mirror
5 days ago
The Eagles are on.....are you awake or asleep?
awake. ish.
See, that would be a good night's sleep in the Robinson house...
sounds like a great nite!!!
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