Thursday, October 30, 2008

Deja Vu

At lunch time today I dropped off Ben's kindergarten registration forms for next year at our neighborhood elementary school. This required filling out a three page registration form, digging out Ben's birth certificate, and finding three forms of address verification. The address verification I felt was a little excessive; I had to provide my driver's license, the deed to our house, and this month's electric bill. That last required me to dig through the trash, because I had paid the darn thing the day before and chucked it. Fortunately I found it in reasonably good condition, with just a small amount of, ahem, pancake syrup on it (which I carefully wiped off so hopefully the secretary at the elementary school was none the wiser).

The last time I'd been in an elementary school before today was probably when I was sixteen or seventeen and used to go with a friend sometimes to pick up her little sister from school. So it was a little weird. Weird to think that in the coming years this unfamiliar place will become intimately familiar to me since starting in August we'll have one or both kids enrolled there for the next ten years. Weird to think that two years ago at this time I was combing through and other resources compiling spreadsheets of elementary schools trying to find the neighborhoods with the best public schools in anticipation of our move to Charlotte. And here I was two years later walking in the door of one of them with registration materials in hand. Weird weird weird.


Abigail said...

can I ask why in the world they needed your electric bill...?

Amanda said...

they need to see a current utility bill to make sure you're actually currently living where you say you are.