Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Cute and Cuter

Our alarm system is set to chime whenever one of the three doors (front, back, garage) opens and Becca is now trained like Pavlov's dog. Whenever She hears the door chime she says "Hi! Hi! Hi!" before she even sees who it is. Her little head will be swiveling towards the door to look to see who's there but she's already saying "Hi! Hi! Hi!" She'll do it even if she is in a different room and can't see the door. So long as she can hear it she says hi. It's very cute.

Joel drinks a glass of lemonade a day now because it is supposed to prevent kidney stones from forming. The other day Ben kept asking for lemonade and Joel finally asked, "Why do you keep pestering me for lemonade?!" And Ben said (with a sheepish look on his face) "Because I don't want to get a kidney stone!"


Abigail said...

I like your new pics and format! I need a new pic for mine but i don't know what one to use or how to do it...

Amanda said...

i made mine using Picasa 3. You can download it free.