Monday, January 5, 2009

My Little Girl is All Grown Up

Okay not really.

But Rebecca did move from the infant room to the toddler room at her day care, as of today. She didn't have as much separation anxiety as I thought she might have, and the tears stopped as soon as she saw that the staff was getting ready to serve breakfast (cheerios and milk this morning). It was so cute to see her sitting like a big girl at the (really really short) table, waiting for her cheerios (while clutching her stuffed bunny to her chest).

The upside of the toddler room, of course, is that it is about $15 a week cheaper than the infant room... woo hoo... still costs a small fortune. In the fall, she will start at the school Ben goes to now. The advantages of that are better/bigger facilities, more experiences/well trained staff, and the cost will be a little bit cheaper than where she is now. The downside is that I'll have to pack her a vegetarian lunch like I do for Ben now (right now I don't have to pack her anything at all because her day care has a kitchen and provides breakfast, two snacks, and lunch every day, as well as milk and juice).

The other down side (potentially) is that she'll be in the one year old room even though she'll turn two a month after she starts. Blame it on the late September birthday -- she misses the cutoff to be in the two year old room by 26 days, just like she'll miss the cutoff for kindergarten by the same amount (she won't be able to go to kindergarten until she is almost 6). Hopefully she will not be the oldest by far in the one year old room... Poor family planning on my part I guess ;)


Anonymous said...

A vegetarian lunch?

Amanda said...

it's a jewish preschool and they follow a kosher food policy which is of course not necessarily vegetarian however my guess is that it's a lot easier on the staff and more straightforward for the parents to require it to be vegetarian so that way you dont have to worry about mixing milk and meat products and all of that stuff.