Tuesday, January 20, 2009


For those of you who've seen my latest Facebook status, yes my fear has come to pass... We got about an inch of snow during the night (still flurrying lightly). Ben's preschool closed for the day (this is Charlotte, remember; people panic at the mere thought of snow). Becca's day care is opening at 10am, so I intend to drop her off in a little while. But whether or not Ben will let me watch the inauguration remains to be seen... I haven't gotten to watch anything but Justice League so far...

The kids (okay, Ben) already went out for some fun in the snow. Becca stood on the sidewalk for a while looking bewildered and then loudly voiced her displeasure. It is pretty cold and I don't have snow pants or anything for her... Or for Ben for that matter. Even Ben is growing so fast still that it seemed like a waste to invest in snow pants that they might get to wear once or twice before they outgrow them.

Ben even got to go sledding a little already, since one of the neighbors was out and had an extra sled. His son had already gone inside to warm up, so he took Ben up the hill and gave him a push down. Ben thoroughly enjoyed himself, but got cold fast due to his lack of proper snow apparel so we didn't stay outside for too long.

I am sure we will be back out later, but here are some pics from our first foray in the snow:

1 comment:

Abigail said...

wow and I see you even found a shovel!