Wednesday, February 11, 2009

An Expensive Dinner

Since Joel seemed to be feeling a little better (ie not in immediate danger of coughing up a lung) I suggested that we go out for chinese food for dinner tonight, since we don't have much in the way of food in the house at the moment. Joel had some piece of exercise equipment or something to pick up at the fitness store next to a particular chinese restaurant, so convincing him wasn't too hard.

After picking up the kids, we headed for the restaurant. My Friday the 13th must have started early, because -- come on now, we all do this -- I made the left turn from Fairview onto Sharon as the left turn signal was turning from yellow to red, and I got pulled over by an unmarked police car (sneaky bastard). The woman in the lane next to me, who did the exact same thing, got pulled over also. (I hope the cop is proud of himself for doing a two-for-one).

So after the $171 ticket was written, plus dinner... that outing cost me about $210. As Joel said, "We should have just stayed home and made a pizza."

Ben, for the record, was the only one of us who was thrilled by the entire event (once we assured him that no, Mommy was not going to jail).

And also for the record -- THE LIGHT WAS YELLOW WHEN I STARTED INTO THE INTERSECTION! And if the slow poke in front of me had been paying attention to the light, I might've actually made it in time. So it's his fault. Entirely.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Yikes...that's an expensive's funny though..whenever we get a ticket isn't it always someone else's fault???? haha