Sunday, April 19, 2009

Weekend Update

Our weekend has been busy so far. Yesterday morning we took the kids to the Kids in Motion festival next to the South Park Mall, where by chance we met two of Ben's classmates. The kids had fun playing together, and Joel walked with Rebecca over to a sporting goods store that was within sight of the fair grounds and bought himself a pair of new sneakers. After he got back we had lunch with Ben's friend Jared and his parents and little brother.

We didn't get home until around 2, when we put Rebecca down for a late nap and got ourselves ready to go out for Joel's birthday. At 3:30 Joel's parents arrived to babysit and Joel and I went here for a couples massage, and then here for dinner. It was a very nice and relaxing afternoon/evening!

Today we've been to the JCC for some exercise and Costco for some shopping, and now Joel and Ben are checking out the neighborhood Sherwin-Williams paint store (some painting projects in our future!) Rebecca's taking a nap, and I think I might take advantage of the opportunity for a quick nap as well while the boys are out...


Andrew said...

how was the fondue??
did joel get the concept???haha

Amanda said...

the cheese and chocolate fondue was yummy... but not sure about cooking our own food... too much work ;)