Saturday, August 29, 2009

Becca Gets Her Groove On

While Joel was doing his fantasy football draft this afternoon, I took the kids to see Secret Agent 23 Skidoo at The Evening Muse in the section of downtown (uptown?) known as NoDa. (Wow I got a lot of links in there!) Since I am not cool enough to hang out in NoDa except when I am taking my kids to a kids' concert (which I am sure does not count as being cool), it was my first trip to that part of town.

Despite the fact that we all seem to be having a bit of an "off" weekend -- a lot of crankiness and whininess all around, myself included -- the kids seemed to enjoy themselves and had a good time. Afterwards we shared a dessert crepe down the street at a place called The Crepe Cellar, which was remarkable only for its exceedingly slow service (had to wait for said crepe for about 35 minutes, with two antsy kids, during which time Ben spilled a Shirly Temple all over the table and Becca threw about six tantrums).

The Evening Muse was very small and very crowded, so my video footage of Becca getting her groove on (while wearing her pink scratch-n-sniff watermelon Phillies hat) is limited because I was behind her. But, you'll get the idea anyway. The song she's dancing to is a hip-hop version of the Aesop's fable about the ant and the grasshopper. In case you were wondering.

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