Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday Update

I seem to be doing a lot of "Thursday updates" lately, huh... it generally means nothing particularly interesting is going on but if I go any longer without blogging, someone will call or email to ask why I have fallen off the face of the Earth. However, that is too long of a title for a blog post so "Thursday update" will have to do.

1. We let Ben stay up for the first hour of each of games 5 and 6 of the World Series. Upon learning this morning that the Phillies lost, he announced, "Well, I wanted the Yankees to win anyway." To which I replied, "Don't say that to your father!"

2. I have received some unusual items in the mail this week, including a framed drawing of a deer that I drew when I was 5 years old and home sick from kindergarten one day -- I do have a vague memory of drawing it; I think my mom's point in sending it was to say that Ben's inability to draw does NOT come from my side of the family. My sister-in-law also sent me 5 boxes of Japanese curry, which I think is her way of saying that I need to fatten Ben up and Japanese curry will be just the thing to do it. Thank you Mom, and thank you Miki! I think we will be having curry for dinner tomorrow...

3. I was forced to make my bi-yearly pilgrimmage to the opthamologist this morning, thanks to a letter from the DMV stating that they needed to periodically review my ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. For the honor and privilege of being poked and prodded for two hours (and I didn't even let them dilate my pupils -- told them I'd come back for that later) I had to shell out $112. $35 copay to see a specialist, and $77 for the visual field acuity test they gave me, which is not covered by insurance because it is not a medical requirement (only a DMV requirement). I will add this to my mental list, which I have been keeping for 33 years now, of why I do not like eye doctors.

4. Plans this weekend include three birthday parties (Ben is an invitee to two, and Becca to one) which I think might be a birthday party record. We've done two in a weekend before, but never three I think. Ben also has his last soccer game on Sunday, and I think an after-soccer party also. Party overload! I am sure it will be fun though (if tiring).

That's all I've got...


Grandma said...

Remember to put dates on drawings and photos, (unlike your mother). Deer looks like your first & second grade output.

Amanda said...

Kindergarten! I remember it vividly! It was a transformational moment in my artistic self-expression.

Kathleen said...

Thanks for the updates even WITHOUT my prodding! :)