Monday, January 18, 2010

Celebrating MLK Day the American Way


The kids and I were off from work and school today. Ben had camp at the JCC, leaving Rebecca and I to have a rare "girls" day together. Though really at this age it's less of a "girls day" and more of a "mom trying to avoid/minimize her two year old's frequent tantrum day". We started our day at a new restaurant near the mall called Terrace Cafe, where I had the California french toast and Rebecca had a fruit cup and a chocolate chip muffin. The food was very good, but the service was haphazard -- Rebecca's muffin required two reminders after I'd gotten my food before it was actually brought out. (Honestly - WHO MAKES A TWO YEAR OLD WAIT FOR A MUFFIN?!)

After breakfast we headed for the mall and Nordstrom's, where against all odds I managed to successfully purchase a dress and shoes for a black tie charity ball that Joel and I are going to on Friday night. With a lot of help from the sales staff, who brought me tons of dresses to try on, as well as a balloon for Rebecca to play with.

Rebecca got a little antsy in the shoe department as I was trying to find shoes to fit my short, wide feet (I got news for you kid, you have my same feet). Every time the sales girl would head back into the store room for yet another pair to try Rebecca would look up and ask hopefully, "All done yet?" I rewarded her patience with a visit to the fountain afterwards -- Rebecca loves fountains and she sat on the side of the fountain for half an hour trying to dip various body parts and toys in the water whenever she thought I might not be paying attention.

After such an exhausting morning we came home and took a two hour nap (both of us) -- a fine way to round out the day.

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