Friday, May 7, 2010

Terrible Twos

I seem to recall that being two for Ben was not that bad. Being three was a bit troublesome at parts, though not sure if adjusting to his new baby sister was wrapped up in that. But anyway, our dose of the "terrible twos" with Ben doesn't seem like it was all that terrible. Or maybe that's just in retrospect.

The terrible twos for Rebecca on the other hand, are beginning to live up to their name. The last couple days especially, I don't know if she's been overtired or what -- but she has been OFF THE CHARTS CRANKY! For example yesterday on the way home from preschool she threw a tantrum because she wanted me to drive on the other side of the road (ie into oncoming traffic). Not something I was about to do, so I had to listen to her scream the entire way home. Once at home I lost count of the number of fits she pitched, one at Joel because he tried to sing a song to her, and one at Ben because he patted her on the head, and on and on.

Today she seemed to be marginally better behaved than yesterday, but she did still throw a couple of big fits (my favorites are the ones where she stamps her feet alternately and so hard and fast it looks like she's sprinting in place) and tonight at bedtime when I told her sternly for the 5th time that it was story time not play time and that if she didn't want a story she was going to go straight into her crib - she flopped herself down on the floor in front of her bookshelf and said "FINE!" just like a grouchy teenager might. Leaving Mommy to wonder exactly how many more years I am going to have to put up with the attitude!


Grandma said...

I guess this is not the time to mention how adorable Becca is. Are you sure she's not coming down with something ( other than the terrible twos, I mean)? Gatorade works like a charm with cranky two year olds- keep 'em hydrated! And remember,Mommy, she'll be three in just a few months:)

Abigail said...

I don't know I think you have blocked out the terrible twos with Ben. Remember when we went to Montauk right after he turned two? He threw like 12 tantrums in the space of three hours -- I remember you counting them ;)