Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tweetsie Railroad

We packed up this morning, and drove to Blowing Rock to drop off the keys to the cabin. We walked around the pretty downtown area, had lunch, and then drove the couple of miles to Tweetsie Railroad, a Western-themed amusement park that features a 30 minute train ride around the park in an old-style locomotive. Upon approaching the train Rebecca started doing her jumping-up-and-down-screaming fit, so (having learned the lesson yesterday) I stayed off with her and Joel and Ben took the train around the park themselves.

It was overcast and drizzling at times, but we still had a fun time at the park checking out all the attractions and going on lots of rides. Rebecca went on the merry-go-round 3 times, but besides that, she seems to have developed a sudden fear of anything that moves. We'll have to monitor that. Ben went on every ride he could find, including a couple that I wouldn't go on -- the ferris wheel (something about a ferris wheel on the side of a mountain in the rain that didn't appeal to me) and the Free Fall (which Becca called "the up and down").


1 comment:

Grandma said...

Love the rainbow. Looks/sounds like a very lovely vacation, minus Becca's yelps:)