Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ben, Global Economy Expert

This was a conversation that took place a few nights ago at the dinner table.

ME: Kids, do you know where your Uncle Mike is right now?
BEN: Where?
ME: He's in China.
BEN: But how can he talk to the people there? Does he speak Chinese?
BECCA: Chinese? Chinese is food!
ME: Yes that's right Becca, Chinese food comes from China.
BEN: *Everything* comes from China!
ME: Oh yeah? Why do you say that?
BEN: Because every time I look at the tag on one of my toys it says "made in China"!


Grandma said...

Why is Uncle Mike in China? Even 6 year olds are aware that *everything* comes from China- at least, very observant ones are.

Kathleen said...

he was in China for work. Another worthless trip around the world. We just have to get him back on his regular sleeping schedule now.