Ben had his first real basketball practice -- games start after the holidays -- and Becca spent her first weekend in underpants 100% of the time (except for bedtime) and had only two accidents. Good job Becca! After resisting mightily, I think she's finally boarded that potty train. (Knock on wood). She went to school in underpants most of last week, and averaged about two accidents a day until Friday, when she stayed dry the entire day and thus earned her heart's desire, a yellow Zhu Zhu pet with a pink nose.
Becca also attended her friend Raymond's Star Wars themed birthday party this weekend, and Ben discovered (actually I discovered this also) that if you go on YouTube and type in any artist and song, you can pretty much watch any music video you want. Who knew? Okay, probably everyone but me. This new found discovery was made more palatable with the introduction of a pair of headphones so that we all did not have to listen to Ben's favorite songs ad nauseum.
In summary, a good weekend!
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