Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day 2011

By the title of this post you can see that I am optimistically assuming this will be the only snow day of 2011.... the kids were both off from school for what (around here) was a veritable blizzard... maybe 4 inches of snow that began falling before daybreak and continued until early afternoon. We started our snow day with chocolate chip pancakes, then had some fun in the snow, and wrapped it up with some hot cocoa (which Rebecca called "coconut chocolate hot" because she got a bit confused).

If you are wondering why Ben was entirely inappropriately dressed for the snow (in two shirts and two sweatshirts but no coat) it is because he left his new winter coat at school on Thursday and then when I sent him to school Friday in his old winter coat with strict instructions to bring home his new coat, he not only forgot his new coat but forgot the old one as well. One of our neighbors did end up lending him a coat that is too big for her son, and hopefully he can manage to bring home at least one of his other two coats this week and not leave a THIRD coat at school!

I got about two hours of work done this afternoon while Rebecca napped, but I'm not optimistic about getting much more done. Hopefully school will be back in session tomorrow.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Thank you for these beautiful pics. I'm praying that we get only 4 inches of snow tomorrow night.