Monday, July 25, 2011

18 Week Ultrasound

Before we left for the mountains on Wednesday I had a level 2 ultrasound of Baby. This is more detailed than the standard 18-20 week ultrasound since apparently being 35 at the time of delivery qualifies me as "high risk". However, baby gave no signs of being anything other than happy and healthy during the ultrasound, though s/he was being a little difficult by moving around a lot and making measurement-taking difficult. We declined to learn the sex, though I am trying to convince Joel to buy one of these tests, which supposedly are up to 90% accurate if performed correctly (my reasoning is that it will give us an idea, but we won't be sure it's correct,so some of the mystery will still remain). Joel still needs some convincing on this though.


Grandma said...

Glad all is well, and baby is happy/healthy.

Abigail said...

I'm telling you, you should do it! My friend who did it insisted it was total BS and a waste of $$ because all it does is measure the pH in your urine, but it was right! And she still thinks it is BS and just a coincidence that it was right.