Anyway, she sucked on it for a bit, clearly making Joel nervous (who told her to chew it up but she refused), and then as if it were a self fulfilling prophecy (or just so Joel could say I-Told-You-So) she got it lodged in her throat for several terrifying moments before swallowing it. She could still breathe (as evident by her crying), but seemed on the verge of needing the Heimlich maneuver. After she finally swallowed it she was still so worked up coughing/crying that she threw up. I had to poke through the contents to assure Joel that yes the lifesaver was in there (as opposed to lodged in a lung).
I certainly learned my lesson and I told Rebecca she is not allowed to have another lifesaver until she turns 18. She solemnly agreed.
Good grief! I've never heard of an almost 4 year old choking on such a thing. Sorry you had that scare.
This does nothing for my choking phobia.
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