After the OB appointment I had Rebecca's parent-teacher conference at her school, the highlights of which are that she's "at the top of her class", loves to be the leader/ be in front of the class, gets along well with the other kids who all seem to look up to her, does great in gym class where she's often called on to demonstrate skills in front of the group, is learning to recognize and to write her letters/numbers/ starting to learn what letters make what sounds, is notably left handed, and generally is thriving. We discussed her "forceful personality" (little bit of a euphemism there I think) but really her teacher did not have any concerns, and thinks she will excel in pre-K next year. Apparently Rebecca does a much better job listening/behaving at school than she does at home :P Way to go Becca!
Fragments: the mirror
5 days ago
Very cute. Can't say 'like mother like daughter' though:)
nope, nothing at all like mommy!!
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